Yesterday we had the honor of completing our first filming session with the Detroit Children’s Choir at the famed Tempermill Studios in Ferndale.

The choir, under the direction of Mr. Eric Taylor, will be featured in our film Shoah Ambassadors singing and dancing through the streets of Detroit while they sing the closing song “Never Again” written by rapper/songwriter and our featured ambassador Curtis Bates.

During our filming session, the kids had the opportunity to lay down their vocal tracks for this powerful and poignant song. This song drives the thought of unity for all of us with a call to action for the younger generation to take the lead as they grow into the world’s future leaders. Curtis’ song touches on many important discussions sure to catch the attention nationally of our youth – the very intention of this film.

The Detroit Children’s Choir was founded in 2006 by Carol Schoch who identified a need for quality choral musical experiences targeted toward underserved youth in Detroit. Since then, the DCC has used the power of choral music education as a cultural platform to foster musical excellence and to build an inclusive community of confident focused and creative youth within Southeastern Michigan. They have performed all throughout the state of Michigan with featured performances including Big Sean at the Michigan Central Train Station, Jill Jack, and Gark Mavigan.

This will be the third song that Curtis has collaborated on with the Visionalist Entertainment Productions team for the film. The first, “Stolen Dreams,” will be seen early on in the film as Curtis reflects back on what Hitler and the Nazi regime had done during their reign of power. The other song by Curtis that will be featured is a brief breakdown of Curtis’ life titled, “A Life Through Song.”

We are thrilled to feature the Detroit Children’s Choir in our film. We hope you will check in with us to learn more about this film’s production at http://shoahambassadors.com/.


The beginning of “Never Again” by Curtis Bates:

All People Should Be Equal Whats The Point In Hating
They Made Us Slaves For All Them Years But Still No Reparations
6 Million Lost Souls Gone And We Cant Replace Em
It’s Time To Address The Problem So Everybody Face It
We Gotta End The Hatred
Discrimination And Segregation NEVER AGAIN
Intimidation By Being Racist
Killin Innocent Women And Children
This A Statement For My Generation

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Trailer |  60-sec TV spot |  November 11th Premiere |  Train car reveal |  Liberation |  Concentration Camps Today |  Holocaust Denial | 
Holocaust Survivor / artist Rene Lichtman |  Animation Sample |  Stolen Dreams" Music Video (Password Needed: VEP123) | 
Holocaust Survivor Fred Lessing (Password Needed: VEP123)
