July 6th, 2020, we embarked on our journey of production for our new PBS film, Shoah Ambassadors.

We have been working on the development of this film for almost a year now. We were concerened that because of COVID-19 the production would never get underway, but thanks to the team at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan we were able to start the first phase of filming with our two young adult ambassadors, Hailey Callahan and Curtis Bates.

The ambassadors were taken on a tour through the Holocaust Memorial Center guided by, Howard Lupovitch, associate professor of history and director of the Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies at Wayne State University. During filming, everyone followed the necessary COVID-19 procedures upon entering the building.

The atrocities committed by the Nazi regime left a scar across the globe that continues to haunt the remaining eyewitnesses. Throughout the intervening years, many courageous Holocaust survivors have shared their stories with us, but sadly their numbers are dwindling.

With our film, Shoah Ambassadors, we intend to bridge the chasm between the generation who endured the nightmare of WWII and today's bright-eyed, tech savvy youths who may only have a limited grasp of what their elders suffered.

Through personal interviews, survivors will pass the torch of remembrance to a new generation that has little or no understanding of the atrocities that they and their families endured. Our two young ambassadors, Hailey and Curtis will then become the caretakers of their history and share what they learn through their own creative expression.

Incidentally, the Holocaust Memorial Center, here in Michigan, is considered one of the nations most respected centers helping society and future generations step back in time to gain a deeper understanding of the Holocaust. Visit their website for more information: https://www.holocaustcenter.org/

We hope you will follow us on this production over the coming months.

Keith Famie
Director/ Producer

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Trailer |  60-sec TV spot |  November 11th Premiere |  Train car reveal |  Liberation |  Concentration Camps Today |  Holocaust Denial | 
Holocaust Survivor / artist Rene Lichtman |  Animation Sample |  Stolen Dreams" Music Video (Password Needed: VEP123) | 
Holocaust Survivor Fred Lessing (Password Needed: VEP123)
